Saturday, February 09, 2008

I do a Mitt Romney like flip flop....sort of

After announcing here that I was boycotting the primaucuses.. We decided to attend today.

I still feel that out system is seriously flawed. Dawn spoke with her mother Friday evening, her mother was under the impression that she could not take part in the caucus because she voted in the primary. This would be true on the republican side but not on the democratic side.

With that said.

We arrived at Garrison middle school at 1:00. A huge line stretched out the door down the side walk around the corner all the way to the ball field. We finally got in, we stood in line to find out what precinct we are in. We then joined our caucus. Their were 17 people reresenting our precinct. 15 voted for Obama 1 voted for Clinton and 1 uncommited.

It was an interesting experience. Washington switched to an all absentee ballot system few years back and I miss going to the polls to vote. Today we had beautifull weather after weeks of snow. The pleasasnt weather made the wait in line kind of nice. I still believe that a primary is a better way to determine canidates.
It allows more people to participate and is much less confusing.

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